LARSSON RZ F1 product photo view-4 L
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LARSSON RZ F1 product photo view-4 L
LARSSON RZ F1 product photo front L
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LARSSON RZ F1 product photo view-2 S
LARSSON RZ F1 product photo view-3 S
LARSSON RZ F1 product photo view-4 S

• Versatile variety in almost all growing areas
• Excellent field standability
• Very uniform
• Easy to clean

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10,000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: MLkMeSQo
2,500 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: PemTeSCI


Variety name
Introduction number
25-735 RZ F1

Uniform and easy to clean

Larsson RZ is a broccoli variety with very dense heads, regular bud size and attractive dark green colour. The shelf life is very good. This makes Larsson RZ suitable for the fresh market and its florets are suitable for the fresh-processing and convenience markets. The plant is vigorous with a good root system. It has a good field standability, uniform harvest and is easy to clean. Larsson RZ is recommended for  late spring and summer harvest in Northwest Europe and for late autumn and winter harvest in Southern Europe.

Larsson RZ is available to order online. If you have any questions about this variety or need specialised advice, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Leaf colour
Blue green
Average crop weight
400-800 grams
Average growing cycle
72-80 days
Market destination
Industry, Processing, Fresh market
Cultivation season
Early, Late
Resistance (HR)

Growing schedule

Activity JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
10 24 38 39
10 31
24 44

This advice is general and can deviate due to local circumstances such as weather or soil conditions. Please reach out if you want our advice on your exact conditions.

2 varieties

10,000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: MLkMeSQo
2,500 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: PemTeSCI