Cauliflower | White | Hybrid

Stable in stressful conditions
Miramonte RZ is a white cauliflower variety for the fresh market. It has a dense curd and produces a uniform harvest. The crop has strong vigour and good self-cover. Miramonte RZ maintains a stable curd quality in heat and stress conditions and has very stable vernalisation. This variety takes 65-75 days to mature. Miramonte RZ is recommended for spring and overwintering in Northern Europe and for early autumn in Southern European and Mediterranean climates.
Miramonte RZ is available to order online. If you have any questions about this variety or need specialised advice, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Growing schedule
This advice is general and can deviate due to local circumstances such as weather or soil conditions. Please reach out if you want our advice on your exact conditions.