Salanova® | Incised leaf lettuce | Green

• Suitable for hydroponic production
• Suitable for indoor winter production
• Fast growing variety
A green crispy type lettuce, suitable for cold indoor cultivation
Acuario RZ has a flat-topped head shape and a semi-erect underside for easy and faster harvesting. The leaves are deeply incised and flexible, making dense planting for processing possible. Acuario RZ is strong against bolting and internal tipburn.
Acuario is a Salanova® variety. With just one cut at the base, Salanova lettuce separates into multiple evenly proportioned, ready-to-eat, leaves. Salanova® lettuce have up to three times more useable leaves than traditional lettuce.
Growing schedule
This advice is general and can deviate due to local circumstances such as weather or soil conditions. Please reach out if you want our advice on your exact conditions.