Salanova® | Multi-leaf lettuce | Butterhead | Red
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Logo HydroponicLogo Salanova®

• Intense red colour
• Suitable for high-density machine harvesting as Teenleaf
• Good flavour

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5,000 Pieces
Untreated Pills
Product ID: icblrYMQ
25,000 Pieces
Untreated Pills
Product ID: SaIQGKBK
(discount price will be calculated in the shopping cart)


Variety name
Introduction number
79-246 RZ
Crop type
Butterhead Lettuce

Regular, intense red head

Salanova® Barlach RZ is a red butter multileaf variety. It is a member of the Salanova family; with just one cut at the base, the lettuce separates into numerous tasty, ready-to-eat, evenly proportioned baby-size leaves, which is an advantage for consumers, chefs and the fresh-cut industry alike. Barlach RZ has strong leaves with an intense red colour and a nice contrast between red and green, making it an attractive addition to salad mixes. The base is round with a very regular upside, resulting in an appealing on-shelf appearance. This variety has a sweet and buttery flavour. Barlach RZ is suitable for both indoor and open-field cultivation, including for high-density machine harvesting. This variety also performs well in hydroponic systems and plant factories.

Barlach RZ is available to order directly online. If you have any questions about this variety or need specialised advice, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Brand / Specialty
Average crop weight
200 grams
Wholehead size
Cultivation method
Indoor hydroponics, Indoor soil, Outdoor, Plant factory
Average growing cycle
40-60 days
Market destination
Processing, Fresh market
Cultivation season
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Year-round
Romaine type
No Romaine
Babyleaf type
No babyleaf
Resistance (HR)

Growing schedule

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2 articles

5,000 Pieces
Untreated Pills
Product ID: icblrYMQ
25,000 Pieces
Untreated Pills
Product ID: SaIQGKBK

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